Ten Haiku from HI #160

Ten Haiku from HI #160 issued on August 31, 2023


初競や離れぬ仔牛に僅な値      永井玲子 

hatsuseri ya/ hanarenu koushi ni/wazukana ne       NAGAI Reiko.   P.27

The first auction—

getting a low price for the calf

that stays near to me


天上に国境なし凧踊る         柚子     YUZU         P.27

tenjyō ni/ kunizakai nashi/ tako odoru

No borders

in the sky—

dancing kites


初蝶の渾身といふ高さかな      白根順子    SJORAME Junko  P.28

hatsuchō no/ konshin to iu/ takasa kana

A butterfly is fluttering in my garden

not so high but with all its might

the first butterfly this spring


海の向かふ一日遅れの鬼遣ひ     望月吉々  MOCHIZUKI Yoshi-Yoshi  P. 28

umi no mukou/ hitohi okure no/ oniyarai

Au-delá du Pacifique

On y va chaser des démons

en retard d’un jour                  (original)

across the ocean

a day-late exorcism

for demons                      (English translation by EM)

Oniyarai: https://www.discoverkyoto.com/event-calendar/january/oniyarai/

This festival is on February 3rd, the day before the official first day of spring in Japanese calendar. Above is a link to one performed in Kyoto. It takes place all over Japan, and each family does the small scale mame-maki/tsuina (driving the oni-demons by throwing at them roasted soy beans who are supposed to be there outside one’s home.) The haiku refers to a day-late tsuina due to the International Date Line, I assume.


すみれ草/揺らぎ合いながら/一抹の愁い  マックミラー・パトリシア J (アメリカ)

sumiregusa/ yuragiainagara/ ichimatsu no urei         P.28

wild violets—

in all their vibrance

a touch of melancholy     (original)         MACHMILLER, Patricia J (U.S.A.)


小道の蜘蛛の糸や/見えぬ/束縛     バー・ボルドー  (内モンゴル) P.8

komichi no kumo no ito ya/ mienu /sokubaku

A spider thread

on the path—

an invisible bondage.    (original)             Ba, Bold(Inner Mongolia)


柔らかき土の畝々鳥の声       桂香  KEIKA     P.15

yawarakaki / tsuchi no uneune / tori no koe

Ridges beyond ridges

made of soft soil . . .

the birds singing


花筏急くも休むも余生かな      坂田節子

hanaikada/ seku mo yasumu mo/ yosei kana     SAKATA Setsuko.  P.19

Floral raft—

free to hasten or not

for the rest of my life

Fallen cherry petals on water surface are described as floral raft. It is a spring season word.


春風やビルの間にまた更地増え      月城花風  TSUKISHIRO Kafu  P. 20

harukaze ya/ biru no ma ni mata/ sarachi hue

Spring wind—

an increase in vacant lots

between buildings            


寒の雨けふも菓子屋に長き列      内村恭子   UCHIMURA Kyoko  P.26

kan no ame/ kyō mo kashiya ni/ nagaki retsu

long queue

into a confectionery shop

winter rain

Kan(寒) is a 30 days-period prior to the first day of spring (February 4th in Chinese lunar calendar, we used before adopting the Gregory calendar); it is considered the coldest time of the year.

ߍ Top five haiku are selected by Mr. Seian Mizuno, HIA director, and his comments on each haiku will be in HIA website shortly. I will let you know!

ߍ Otherwise mentioned, the author are from Japan or Japanese.