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Danish Haiku Today 2019

A record number of Danish haiku poets are presented internationally with Danish Haiku Today 2019.

The leading international haiku WEB site, The Haiku Foundation, has just published the 4th edition of Danish Haiku Today. The 2019 version presents the largest number of currently living Danish haiku poets, namely 43, in English and Danish. Amongst others Niels Hav, Hanne Hansen, Viggo Madsen, Arne Herløv Petersen, Johannes S. H. Bjerg, Mona Larsen, Thorvald Berthelsen and Pia Tafdrup.

The Haiku Foundation is founded by Jim Kacian, Washington D.C. The purpose is

“1) to archive our first century of English-language haiku,

2) to expand possibilities for our second, and

3) to seek active exchange with other haiku languages and cultures around the world.”

On behalf of The Haiku Group of the Danish Authors’ Society Thorvald Berthelsen has introduced Danish haiku and presented Danish haiku poets in The Haiku Foundation World of Haiku feature and its upcoming Haiku Encyclopedia in English and Danish.

The World of Haikus feature on Danish haiku can be found here:

Back in 2011 The Haiku Group of the Danish Authors’ Society published their 10th anniversary anthology, Blade i Vinden.

In May 2012, the Haiku Group had an arrangement with the former President of the European Council. Herman Van Rompuy. To this they made an addition in English and Danish to Blade i Vinden. On the occasion of The Haiku Foundation’s Encyclopedia’s coming article on Danish haiku, the editor, Thorvald Berthelsen, together with Niels Kjær, Bjarne Kim Pedersen and the publishing house, Ravnerock, made this fourth extended edition of the publication, Danish Haiku Today 2019, in English and Danish. It can be downloaded for free here: